Bullets Media

Success in marketing is natural when you chase it with BIG IDEAS and WILD CAMPAIGNS

Feature 01

Media Planning

The process of media planning is focused on establishing an audience, conducting market research, establishing a budget, and building out goals. Media planners work with their clients to understand who the target audience is for their offering, which channels that audience uses and at what times, and what type of messaging that audience is most likely to engage with. With this information, the planning team will select which channel they want to purchase ad space on, and for what price.

Feature 02

Media Buying

With the media plan established, media buyers connect with their counterparts across the agreed-upon media sites. These are often sales/account executives, whose responsibility is to find relevant advertisers. These two parties negotiate placement, time, and cost. Media buyers often use the following tactics to execute media plans.

Feature 03

Avoiding Ad Fraud

Ad fraud occurs when an organization pays for ad space on a fraudulent site, or when organizations have to pay more for an ad based on clicks/impressions from bots or click farms. This is especially prevalent in programmatic advertising. Programmatic buying can be beneficial for real-time ad placements, but can also result in ad fraud as there is minimal review of the sites where ads are being purchased, resulting in mismanaged dollars.

Feature 04

Optimize Campaign In-Flight

Another challenge for media buyers is optimizing ads mid-campaign. Most marketing results aren’t available until after the campaign, making it too late to adjust advertising spend. To rectify this, marketing teams must invest in marketing platforms with the processing power to deliver granular insights on marketing performance while the campaign is active.

Feature 05

Get the Best Slots

Media buyers understand where your advertising dollars should be spent, and which placements tend to get the most engagement. Media buyers stay aware of trends and world events (such as the Olympics or political campaigns) that may influence ad availability and negotiate ad placements directly into the contract to ensure ads are delivered as promised.

Feature 06

Get the Best Deal

Media buyers often have a wide network of relationships, which they can leverage to maximize the value of your investment. Media buying professionals are well versed in negotiation techniques and common industry standards, such as the average cost of leads or what brand exposure should cost. Media buyers can also help extend the benefits of an agreement.

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